Who gave you your first kiss?” backstage banter has gotten personal.
“Ummm... I haven’t.”
“Never?” Eyes wide in disbelief, he gapes at her for a long moment.
She shakes her head, regretting honesty.
“Never been kissed, hmm?” His tone changes to that of a hungry tiger. “And we’ve been doing a stage kiss....Tonight, the real thing. Just wait.”
“So you Maid Marian. Come here.”
(The audience gasps as he kisses her- as does she)
“A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Hopefully we’ll bump into each other again.”
The young woman is left alone, wordless before her audience.
Check out The Burrow to read more of the Romantic Drabbles by other Dare takers! There is a romantic drabble (or 2!) for each day of the month!!!
*A Drabble is a story told in exactly 100 words.