What do you think about when you're at the zoo? I have begun to have a vague sense of guilt. I love seeing the huge Pachydermata strolling, casually pacing the green grass of my hometown, far from the lands he might have been born to (had she avoided the net that was cast when it was a wee calf or the trap that was set for it's mother and father.)
But then that is why I have a sense of guilt. Is it pacing this small cage just for my (and your) pleasure? Is it wondering why it's body aches for the greener shores of a distant land?
Maybe it just enjoys the larger and more comfortable grounds with plentiful peanuts and water.

Today I'd like to recognize another of my great commenters... she's a
published author-- has two children she's already launched and is in the process of waiting for the launch of another ('Hooked'- the one to the left). She's a native of the midwest but now resides in her adopted
home of Phoenix, Arizona. The landscape and people have clearly imprinted on
her consciousness as they have influenced at least one of her books
quite directly. You can read about Liz's adventures as a writer at her blog and see more about her books at her website.
Her YA debut HOOKED releases from Harlequin TEEN in January 2013! Congratulations Liz and best wishes!!!