Where to get the latest political information: Robert Reich's blog... remember him? He was Secretary of Labor in the Clinton Administration and now teaches at the University of California (http://robertreich.blogspot.com). Another is Paul Krugman's "The Conscience of a Liberal" at http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/. His blogs can be highly technical when he is writing on economics, but I wade through it nevertheless because he is an expert on the field and I am still learning. For news: The Huffington Post website. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/Arianna Huffington hits the nail on the head with nearly every blow. And Firedoglake is walking the edge where progressive politics are concerned http://firedoglake.com/. And of course The Onion (http://www.theonion.com/) is always on the cutting edge of the latest in news and have their own special slant.
The internet is a wonderful thing as long as you are discerning about who you are listening to. If you don't, it's a deep and abyssmal pond of murky, scum-filled waters.