Thursday, September 29, 2011


I am not going to post much today, just a reminder that Saturday is the start of NaBloWriMo!!! That is National Blog Writer's Month in case you weren't aware of this national celebratory event. Sometimes all it entails is: "Hi lovelies! I'm not going to be able to blog much today, hope your all having a lovely day!!!" but the point is to participate, have fun and meet new bloggers. Some are writers, some crafters, mommies, in fact there's a range of people that sign up for this bloggy event. So click on the link and email the hostess that you want to sign up and then plan on posting each day (and if you don't, nobody is going to hunt you down!!!)-- it's just that easy!!!  
Have a lovely day!!!


  1. Okay, maybe I should sign up for this Blogmo thingy. I mean, I've been pretty slack with blogging lately!

  2. You're a brave girl! I know I couldn't do it. I can barely manage two posts per week. Good luck.

  3. One day, I will try NaBloWriMo, but not this year.

    NaNo will be enough.


  4. Best to you in NaBloWriMo. Maybe next year for me, too. October is always so dang busy though.


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