So, for for the coming months some books that are hitting the big screen that I thought you might enjoy reading before you see them on film (if you haven't already):
Divergent is coming to the big screen. Haven't read it yet? Neither have I but there's still time since it's scheduled to open March, 2014. Compared to Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games trilogy, Wikipedia says "It is set within a dystopian version of Chicago. The novel has been compared to similar young adult books such as The Hunger Games because of its theme and target audience. Roth has said that the idea for the series was born while she was studying in college."
And coming soon? Ender's Game
Slated for release on November 1. Those of you who go to theaters a lot (I don't) have probably already seen the trailer but here it is for those of you who want to see it who don't make it to the movies much:

The Fault in Our Stars is the story of Hazel Lancaster and Augustus Waters, two Indianapolis teenagers who meet at a Cancer Kid Support Group.** No release date at this point but IMDb says that Shailene Woodley will play Hazel and Ansel Elgort will play Augustus.
James Dashner's Maze Runner is coming to theaters starring Dylan O'Brien. This is another I haven't read but there should be plenty of time since it's not out until February. Dashner is quoted on Wikipedia that in 2005 in November he was going to bed when he had an idea about, "a bunch of teenagers living inside an unsolvable Maze full of hideous creatures, in the future, in a dark, dystopian world. It would be an experiment, to study their minds. Terrible things would be done to them. Awful things. Completely hopeless. Until the victims turn everything on its head." Begun in December 2005, it was completed in March 2006.
The Wolf on Wall Street by John Belfort looks to be a great party for Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, and Matthew McConaughey. The book sounds like it might be worth reading...
There are more but I think I"ll leave it at that for today!
*source Buzzfeed article by Arielle Calderon
**John Green's website