Saturday, October 29, 2011

A moment

On the weeks when my son is with his father I don't spend as much time in the car, but there are moments when I drive home after work when the sun has set in the west, the light is filtered in the sky with such beauty that I am left a bit breathless. Unfortunately some of those moments are often on an onramp to the highway or driving over a hill where there are no turns and I appreciate the beauty in my solitary (albeit distracted) state. Yesterday, I was headed home to champagne (took a different route to pick up a bottle!) and saw to my delight the sun's final curtain call. Light was reflected on a strand of pearled clouds, coloring them with dark rainbowed hues. I wish then reached for my camera, made a quick turn and headed back up the hill to position myself to hold the occasion...  
 When I arrived, I was disappointed to find the light had shifted into a less vibrant blush yet the purpled hues framed by the distant edges of the mountain's magnificence drew me.

     I stood quietly taking my picture, passed by by hurrying homegoers, bumper to bumper in their rush, anxious they might lose a few feet of asphalt.
I stared back at the heavens, glad not to have let the twinkling joy of a sunset pass me by then headed homeward with the true prize, a space of stillness caught between traffic lights- a moment.


  1. Those moments when we just stop are so precious and they tend to stay with us a long time.

  2. This is what we all need to stop a do. Take time to enjoy what God has provided for us. Most are too busy to notice, but you, Danette, are a true artist with an honest heart and a deep soul.

  3. I hate missing those perfect photo ops - those amazingly beautiful moments you can never recapture! Of course, the times I do get my camera out & snap a shot, it often doesn't work out as great as I've hoped.

  4. That's beautiful. There's a lot of power in the rising and setting of the sun. The early morning is my favorite time of day. It's always surging with life. :)


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